Thursday, March 20, 2008

Smiles Light Up the Center

As flurries flew through the skies outside, spring colors and little smiles brightened the atmosphere inside the Police Center Thursday night as approximately 300 people, including over 150 children, enjoyed our Easter party.

Tens of dozens of eggs were supplied for the children to dye in an assortment of colors. Adults gave guidance and encouragement as kids used the variety of inks, stickers and crayons provided to create unique designs.

Fresh Hoffman hotdogs, hamburgers and Italian sausage were barbequed by volunteers who braved the gusty winds for several hours in order to ensure everyone enjoyed their main fare hot off the grill. Party-goers received their choices on fresh rolls aside chips. All was downed with Kool-Aid and the meal was topped off with plenty of candy.

The Easter Bunny greeted children and posed with many of them for photos. Each child received a brightly decorated basket to take home, filled with candy, toys and other seasonal treats.

Parents and children were encouraged to visit the new Web site. Many children expressed enthusiasm about being able to access and comment on the event photos, whether that's from school, the library or home. Some provided their email addresses to receive event notices and other announcements. Others were interested in providing feedback through comments.

We thank the many volunteers, donors, supporters and others for their generous contributions that made this event possible.

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