Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Raquette Lake Trip: Reviewing Challenge Course Skills

Photograph by Renee Gosselin

If you like climbing trees, swinging from ropes and walking across wires 30' in the air you would have loved this trip.

A handful of professionals, mostly teachers and Cortland College Grads, spent the weekend together reviewing their skills on the Camp Huntington Ropes Challenge Course. Skills tested included knot tying, course set up, belaying, gear retrieval and rescues.

Gliding out on a wire 40' in the air to rescue someone dangling 10' below you is a feat that will get anyone's heart pumping.

Meeting new folks as I reviewed their skills was an enjoyable experience for me. It was an added bonus having two of my children attend the workshop. I was proud of their climbing abilities and they did a great job with their rescues. My son and daughter both climb like monkeys, I have no doubt they can now out climb me (oh to be 20 again).

After a long day on the Challenge Course we all enjoyed a social evening of Adventure Games, like "King Frog" and "Bang! Pop! Bang! Who's Dead?".

Another day of skills testing followed, and all attending left with a sense of accomplishment and some new friends. I am a bit sore but happy to be sleeping in my own bed.

Camp Huntington is one of the Great Camps in the Adirondacks. For more info, visit their website.

If you'd like to take your group on a Challenge Course visit my website.

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