Monday, September 29, 2008

Sportsman Education

clarke coe

Officer Clarke and Detective Coe
At their posts, working a security detail.

To those of you interested in going afield with your firearms, Detective Gary Coe and I will be instructing the New York State Sportsmen Education Classes at the Northside Community Police Center, located at 255 Wolf Street, Syracuse. 

The minimum 10 hour class is a requirement for individuals who wish to obtain a hunting license in New York State. We will be offering this free class in three sessions:
  • Monday, October 6,  5pm-9pm
  • Friday, October 10, 5pm-9pm
  • Saturday, October 11, 8am until conclusion. 
You must attend all three sessions.

In addition, you must pass a written and practical test.  If we can obtain a range, you must fire two 22 rounds and 1 round from a 20 gauge shotgun. 

Advanced registration is required.  You may do so by calling (315)471-3257 and speaking to Renee or me. 

These classes fill very quickly so, do not delay.

More women are attending the classes and going afield in pursuit of game. I have enjoyed the years of teaching my daughters proper safe gun handling skills along with times in the field looking for game. 

Moms with a son or daughter taking the class should learn the same gun safety lessons her children are expected to know. We will help you feel more comfortable with the firearms your husband and children have in your home. 

We cover loading and unloading firearms, proper carrying and firing of firearms and, equally important, safe storage of your firearms.  We give out free locks.

Walking through woodlands and fields with my lab searching for upland birds is my best exercise. Likewise, my best psychologist is Mother Nature as I peacefully sit in my tree stand watching wildlife walk by unaware of my presence.  That is, except for the red squirrel who often chatters at me for perching where he likes to eat his apples.

A good hunting day in the woods does not always mean I will have wild game for dinner. Many of my best days afield were when the only thing I carried out of the woods were the memories my five senses captured.  A beautiful sunrise or sunset, flocks of ducks beating their wings as they landed in the marsh just past sunset, a majestic buck staring at me as he busted me right in the middle of rattling my antlers, a chickadee that landed on my gun barrel, are just a few of them.

If you have ever had the desire to attempt the sport but have been hesitant to try, I encourage you join us. Renee, will be assisting us with the class and she has plenty of insight for the women who attend. 

Again, please don't delay that phone call because the class will fill fast.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Uno Chicago Grill Fireman's Dough Raiser

Shana, Renee and I went to UNO Chicago Grill for lunch today. Not only did we have a great meal, we also supported The Retired Fire Fighters Cancer Fund. 

UNO will donate up to 20% of your check to the fund. So, if you have not already made it part of your plan for tonight, please do so. You have till 9PM tonight to eat, drink and have up to 20% of you bill go towards a good cause. 

I have a Neighborhood Watch Meeting tonight at 7PM as soon as I am done I will be dropping in to the UNO at the Carousel Mall to blow the suds off one. Come on over and introduce yourself and I will buy you one (after all it goes to a good cause). 

Hope to see you there. Make sure to inform your server your want to participate in the fund raiser. I will bring extra coupons with me in case you need one.

Officer Clarke

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New After-School Program for Youth

Hello! My name is Shana.  

Like Stephen, I am also a Syracuse University student majoring in Policy Studies.  I was born and raised in Staten Island, NY, and I'll be graduating school this year.

This semester, I am working with Officer Clarke and all the lovely volunteers to start up an after school youth program! 

The plan is to have middle school students come to the Police Center on Fridays, right after school, to get a head start on their weekend homework. I'll be with them the whole time to offer any assistance that is needed, and once their homework is done, the fun can begin! 

We will have academically-oriented projects to do and games to play.  The idea is to not let any of the students fall behind in their school work this year, and to learn, before they enter high school, the importance of an education. It will give participants something to look forward to during the week, provide them with a role model, and offer the tools to reach their goals. 

The planned start date is October 17, 2008.

If any readers have ideas, suggestions or questions about the program, please feel free to send us an e-mail!

Talk to you soon,


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Stephen Hall: First Post

My name is Stephen Hall and I am a Junior at Syracuse University.

I am from Dayton, Ohio and am a die hard Cincinnati Bengals fan. In high school I used to box, wrestle, and do Muay Thai kickboxing, and at Syracuse I'm in a fraternity and a member of the Syracuse Cheerleading team.

Currently, I am working with the Northside Community Police Center as part of my public affairs class, PAF 315. I've been asked to conduct a survey of users of NCPC. 

I began by designing a spreadsheet, and filled it with the names of the people who have attend events within the past year. 

Then I designed a survey with the input of Officer Clarke, Renee, and Northsidebloggr.  Once the surveys are returned, I will tabulate the results and produce a report. 

So far it is extremely rewarding and a great learning experience.

The surveys go out today. In a few weeks, I will get the data back so I can start tabulating the results.

You'll be hearing more from me soon.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Volunteers Needed: Survey Mailing

Hey folks,

If you are interested in helping us with the mailing of our surveys, the date and time is Wednesday September 17, 2:00pm at the Police Center. If you want to help call 471-3257 to let me know you are coming.

Thank you,
Officer Clarke

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Thanks to our Anonymous Benefactor

Bright and cheerful petunias on display near the front entrance of the Police Center.

These flowers were planted and are taken care of by someone who has chosen to remain unknown to us. They are a welcome and beautiful addition to our entrance.

Thank you to whomever is responsible.

Officer Clarke

Friday, September 12, 2008

Evaluating Our Programs

The Police Center relies on volunteers to assist with operations and programs. Without them, we would not be able to do much of what we do.

We often need help with the day to day work, and that makes it a real challenge to take on big or long term needs. One of those needs is to evaluate our programs to show they're working and supporting our community policing mission.

To move that idea forward, we have tapped into Syracuse University's program at Maxwell that involves students in service to the community. After we brainstormed ideas regarding how these students could help us and learn something useful at the same time, we submitted proposals and they were accepted. Now a few Maxwell undergrads will be working with us to handle some important projects.

One student will be collecting information that tells us whether our community policing mission is being met through our events for children and families. He will survey participants. We've asked him to blog, and in the near future he'll be telling you more.

We plan to mail 800-1,000 surveys with return postage. Labor will be supplied at no cost. Postage is estimated to cost $850.

You may wonder, “Why spend money on just getting answers to some questions?” There are a few reasons:
  • If the results are favorable to our efforts, we may be able to use the data to seek new sources of funds.
  • We may use the information to continue or enhance Police Department support of our non-traditional policing efforts.
  • We may use the information to better serve our community.
  • We will be helping an SU student learn, and meet a requirement of his course.
  • Working with SU students will open doors for additional collaborative efforts.
I always try to be on offense, pushing forward with youth and family programs that put police and citizens working together to solve problems. There is value in this approach. At the same time, I have to protect these programs, as some do not see value in them.

If survey results come in and indicate a favorable response to our programs, it will add some backing to what our experience tells us. The results will also be a stepping stone to more data collection in the future. During these times of pressure on budgets, we need information like this that tells current and new donors that our efforts at the Police Center are worthwhile.

If you wish to partner with us in this project, you may help by:
  • Donating stamps or envelops for the mailing and return of surveys;
  • Donating your time to help address, stamp and stuff envelopes (I will set aside an afternoon in the very near future September 18th or 22nd are possible dates);
  • Make a monetary donation for us to purchase the supplies we need;
  • Filling out and returning the survey, if you receive one.
Once the surveys are returned and the data is tabulated, I'll be sure the results are posted here.

Your continued support will make this project possible.

Thank you,

Officer Clarke

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Summer 2008 Recap

Hey Folks,

Thought I would bring you up to date on what has been happening.

Our Free Summer Meal Program wrapped up last month. We served 30 breakfasts and 60 lunches Monday-Friday. My daughter Alyssa worked each day serving meals and also working with the children on reading and building crafts.

Our Summer Camping Trip was a great time of fishing, canoeing and campfires. We took more new kids than repeat campers, which made it a little bit more of a challenge. When it is the other way around, the returning campers are a great help to our new campers. When not, it is a lot more work for us adults, answering questions, reinforcing expectations, etc. The kids caught lots and lots of fish. We all had a great time.

Our Picnic with the Police and Fire Departments was a very enjoyable event. This year we added a Bouncy House. The children loved it. The line for the tent was always 20+ children long, and many would get right back in line after they exited.

Around 1,000 people enjoyed free hotdogs, hamburgers, snacks, drinks, snow cones and prizes. It was a busy day for the firefighters, officers and my volunteers.

Several people made comments regarding the amount of food some people were eating. The picnic is not only a special treat to area families, but an important meal to some. Thanks to donors and volunteers, we provided families a day full of food and fun. Thanks to those who supported all of our summer events. Your donations touched the lives of many area children.

A special shout out to:

  • My daughter Alyssa for her work here at the Center during the summer. She is now working on her Masters at Cortland, which means I will have her closer to home to help me with our fall events. Yeah!
  • All my volunteers who took time off work and their already busy schedules to help with our summer events.
Now to bring you up to date: I just returned from a 4-day, Carnival Cruise to Cozumel, Mexico. My mother’s health is not good. Her boyfriend planned the trip for her and other family members months ago, and I was dreading it right up till the day I stepped on the ship. I was a little nervous about getting sea sick and not being able to get off the ride.

I am pleased to say that I did not get sick. We all had a great time. The cruise was way beyond what I imagined - bigger and better than I thought. Price-wise, for meals, lodging, shows, visiting Mexico, etc., a regular trip anywhere would cost much more. So, if you've ever thought about going on a cruise, take my advice and go.

We have some exciting things happening this fall at the Police Center. I'll tell you about some of them in my next post.

Until then, thanks again and stay safe.

Officer Clarke

Never Forgotten

Video by Tnic.  "Into the Fire", by Bruce Springsteen