Officer Clarke and Detective Coe
At their posts, working a security detail.
The minimum 10 hour class is a requirement for individuals who wish to obtain a hunting license in New York State. We will be offering this free class in three sessions:
- Monday, October 6, 5pm-9pm
- Friday, October 10, 5pm-9pm
- Saturday, October 11, 8am until conclusion.
You must attend all three sessions.
In addition, you must pass a written and practical test. If we can obtain a range, you must fire two 22 rounds and 1 round from a 20 gauge shotgun.
Advanced registration is required. You may do so by calling (315)471-3257 and speaking to Renee or me.
These classes fill very quickly so, do not delay.
More women are attending the classes and going afield in pursuit of game. I have enjoyed the years of teaching my daughters proper safe gun handling skills along with times in the field looking for game.
Moms with a son or daughter taking the class should learn the same gun safety lessons her children are expected to know. We will help you feel more comfortable with the firearms your husband and children have in your home.
We cover loading and unloading firearms, proper carrying and firing of firearms and, equally important, safe storage of your firearms. We give out free locks.
Walking through woodlands and fields with my lab searching for upland birds is my best exercise. Likewise, my best psychologist is Mother Nature as I peacefully sit in my tree stand watching wildlife walk by unaware of my presence. That is, except for the red squirrel who often chatters at me for perching where he likes to eat his apples.
A good hunting day in the woods does not always mean I will have wild game for dinner. Many of my best days afield were when the only thing I carried out of the woods were the memories my five senses captured. A beautiful sunrise or sunset, flocks of ducks beating their wings as they landed in the marsh just past sunset, a majestic buck staring at me as he busted me right in the middle of rattling my antlers, a chickadee that landed on my gun barrel, are just a few of them.
If you have ever had the desire to attempt the sport but have been hesitant to try, I encourage you join us. Renee, will be assisting us with the class and she has plenty of insight for the women who attend.
If you have ever had the desire to attempt the sport but have been hesitant to try, I encourage you join us. Renee, will be assisting us with the class and she has plenty of insight for the women who attend.
Again, please don't delay that phone call because the class will fill fast.
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